Sunday, June 3, 2007

Some more notes on being invasive.

1. You might have noticed, but I have no real need to keep a blog, other than a nagging urge to overshare. I am all over this internet revolution thing. I even briefly had a profile on OurChart, because, what the hell, you know? So here I am flooding the world wide web with things that I should just maybe say out loud to people that I meet. I mean, they would have a more comedic impact if you could watch me spill stuff on myself and twitch my nose and show my front teeth and all. Maybe I could start listening to bands or something.
2. Invasive species prevent biodiversity. You should read some E.O. Wilson if you are concerned about that sort of thing.
3. I am not from here. As such, I see a lot of WACKY things, that are just plain CRAZY. Today I saw:
a. a seven-year-old kid text messaging.
b. the cutest dog ever. It was like a mix between a chow, a keeshond, a collie, and an australian shepherd, but all round and amazing. It was 17! And had a super-cute semi-short haircut. I wanted to hug it.
c. the Statue of Liberty outside of the F train (when it was above ground). Sometimes that statue seems huge, as was the case looking at it out the window, but other times it seems tiny. That is an observation that I had on my own, but have heard elsewhere.
d. the bridge of River Phoenix's nose on the cover of a book that is not about River Phoenix. I will get back to you about what book that was (and then this can be a "litblog").
e. the Onion. IN PRINT! I mean, I knew about that, but I still smirk and shake my head when that happens. You can look up The Onion on your own. You know what it is.
f. Animal Collective. FOR FREE! (Ok, that happened a couple of days ago, but it was neat.)
4. Observation about Williamsburg: Apparently, it is a brand now. So, if one were to continue to seek out the next big thing, does that make one cool or just a neo-yuppie? Oh whatever. Let Brooklyn give a fuck. I'm going to just eat a bunch of hot dogs.
5. Look at me; I blogged!

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